Saturday, August 31, 2019

Gender Inequality Essay

In the 21st century women are more educated and powerful than they have ever been. They are integrated into every work sector, from labour intensive jobs, middle class jobs up to the highest professional engineering, medical, legal and political positions. However, there still remain high gender inequalities within the workplace, which will be covered in this report through several articles and studies in respects to top management positions and payments imbalance. As gender inequality is not a specific event rather a continuously forming process from the beginning of the humanity until present day, and beyond that. To understand the current state of affairs we have to firstly talk about the processes which have occurred during the past. Historic context: Several studies talk about the division of labour between men and women already in the prehistory. All the evidence shows that from the very beginning, women had the simpler and easier jobs, which was manifested in fruits, eggs and berry gathering, while men had the more dangerous and intensive duties such as hunting and fishing. The subordinate role of women had already appeared in that time. According to anthropologists, the nomadic lifestyle continues as hordes’ communities, women had the role of carrying the pickings, while men were waiting for any attacks from outside the community. As women were not able to protect themselves while carrying the foods, men became the protectors of the community. Although there were some warrior women, who were called â€Å"amazons†, they still are physically weaker. As race preservation is a function of women, when they became pregnant they were not able to support both the community and their duties together, within the hordes eyes, they were considered of no significant importance and the infants and young children worsened this situation. They had to be supported (fed, protected) which slowed down the community, but in the same time until a certain age the horde had no important role for them. However the prehistoric humans had no knowledge about the biology of insemination, therefore they considered the pregnancy as a magical wonder. This is evidenced by the first artworks, for example the female statues which they highlighted the body parts referring to fertility, of which the best known is the Venus of Willendorf. Nevertheless after time they have realised that, the participation of men is also necessary to fertilization and women lost the surrounding admiration, therefore they became even more subordinated. Later in history, several communities with the emergence of the ancient slavery society and monogamy had become widespread. All the men could have only one wife yet posses several bond slaves. Women could have sexual relationship, only with their husbands. If they breached this rule it had serious consequences. Men regarded not only their slave women as their property, but also the female members of the family, over whom men controlled absolute power. In the early feudalism era, the Church had said women cannot be equal to men, as God created Adam first from his own image and only after this created Eve from the ‘rest of the materials’. Women have been created for men, and not inversely. Further more women have to consider their husbands as God. In the middle Ages children had been socially educated to respect their fathers more than their mothers. The male children, from a certain age received adult rights, to treat their mothers and sisters in the same manner as their fathers. They thought women had to been given constraints and rules, as Eve was who anathematized the humanity, so women had to be chastised for it. Men had to penalize women as a duty, even if it was associated with pain. The only rule which was accepted was that the woman could not die. In the 17th century in America, woman took taking care of their families an important responsibility. Women and men were working together on their agricultural lands. While they catered their families, they also worked on markets, where they could sell the remaining crops or some weaved clothes, thus they earned some respect. Women and men have shared not only the jobs, but also the wages. In the 18th century, as the economy has shifted from the agriculture to the industrial economy the world of home and work had got totally separated. Women were forced back to their homes and lost all their social respect. With the occurrence of industrialization, the role of women focused on the duties around the house, or they became industrial workers, for much smaller salary though, as women were treated as inferiority. The most terrible situation was in the lead industry. They have not used protective equipment; therefore lead poisoning was a very frequent workers disease. Women were afflicted by death, poisoning, paralysis; their children were still-born many times. At the beginning of the 19th century women were ignominiously exploited. Their wages were not enough even for their basic needs. A survey in 1889-93 shows that in France a workwoman received half of that wage, what a workman received for the same work hours. In 1918 women’s salary is half of the men’s in America. The women’s wages rose between 1911 and 1945, although they were less than men’s wages. At the beginning of capitalism, new work opportunities appeared. Women occupied the agriculture, the industry, the trading, the banks, the insurance companies, the offices and the freelance positions. This process accelerated the unemployment during the 1st and 2nd world war, worldwide. Emancipation in the UK: The sequences of events are roughly the same in many western countries. In some enlightened states (e. g. New-Zealand, Australia, Finland and Norway) women received franchises before the 1st world war. In other countries, struggles have started, but nowhere were as dramatic as in England. In 1903 Emmeline Pankhurst got to the edge of the movement fighting for women’s right to vote. These suffrages interrupted political meetings, chained themselves to fences and were sent to prison as they were not willing to pay any financial penalty. When the 1st world war broke out, most of the suffrages suspended the fights, and the women who filled in the jobs (instead of the fighting men) coped successfully. This allowed women voting rights from the government, by destroying the stigma surrounding women’s inequality instead of facing the movement again. After the war the US and several European countries undertook similar reforms. Another movement inspired from the UK was created called â€Å"Woman’s Lib for life† created in the US back in 1960s which spread through Europe. This ideology was called â€Å"feminism†. Feminism talks about gender equality, but also about sexual abuse, rape and abortion. Feminists succeeded to reach equal opportunities in political, legal, demographical, educational and employment rights. Nevertheless the practical applications of the laws often meet difficulties, even if their enforcements create special executive and examiner bodies. In many parts of the world, women’s most elementary rights are still missing, in many societies they cannot even choose their spouse. In present days, in the most enlightened countries such as the UK, the distance between females and males in employment decreased significantly, but still women face forms of discrimination. Present: In our days, more and more women take part in higher education. After graduation they try to find a job, build their career what they have to interrupt as their biological clocks are ticking and near their career plans they don’t want to give up building a family. During their pregnancy normally they become less capable to cater their work in full-time. After their pregnancy they have the right to take a maternity leave with the thought of they can return to their job without any discrimination. However, this is not so simple. In the 21st century as in most of the tolerant countries, as in the UK the unequal and inequitable treatment of employees on the basis of gender i. e. sex discrimination in workplace is illegal. If it can be proved by the employee, the employer could probably face a serious penalty. Discrimination can be classified in two ways. One of them is based on suffered disadvantage e. g. nequal payment, discrimination because of pregnancy or maternity leave, inequality in the scale of employment and different treatment and progress opportunities within workplace. Direct and indirect discrimination: The other classification group divides discrimination according to insulted party as an individual (direct), or a specific target group (indirect). Direct discrimination is â€Å"where an employee or prospective employee is less favourably treated because of their race, sex, marital status (including civil partnerships), religion, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, age, disability, pregnancy or maternity† (CompactLaw, 1996-2013). As it revealed from the most recent article from the Guardian about sexual discrimination â€Å"women are suffering escalating levels of illegal discrimination at work when they get pregnant, and are often made redundant while they are on maternity leave, according to a new poll. The figures show one in seven of the women surveyed had lost their job while on maternity leave; 40% said their jobs had changed by the time they returned, with half reporting a cut in hours or demotion. More than a tenth had been replaced in their jobs by the person who had covered their maternity leave† (Tracey McVeigh, 2013). Indirect discrimination is often less obvious. Sometimes, a policy, rule or practice seems fair because it applies to everyone equally, but a closer look shows that some people are being treated unfairly. This is because some people or groups of people are unable or less able to comply with the rule or are disadvantaged because of it. If this policy or practice is ‘not r easonable’, it may be indirect discrimination† (Anti-Discrimination Commission Queensland 2007) One of the most famous indirect cases associated with one of the largest companies in the US being the Wal-Mart Stores. Wal-Mart had a case which started in 2000, when Betty Dukes, a Wal-Mart worker from California, claimed sex discrimination because of gender discrimination in pay and promotion policies and practices. During the negotiations almost 2000 women joined Betty, representing about 1. 5M women. On 20th of June, 2011, the Supreme Court finally closed the negotiations in Wal-Mart’s favour, as the unequal treatment was not clearly proved. On the other side employers and managers have to be very guarded and deliberate to avoid discrimination and promote equality. There are several details which have to be kept in the front view of management.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Sylvia Plath Mirror

The paper analyzes the poem â€Å"Mirrorâ€Å", written by Sylvia Plath. What it wants to show are the multiple meanings which depend on the different readers. The paper is intended to show the importance of the â€Å"mirror† and its reflection of the person looking into it. This paper also explains how a poem can serve a writer as an instrument to describe her/his life and feelings on a sheet of paper. Silvia Plath? s husband was abusive to her. She felt lost, she was empty and had no satisfying love in her life. But mess in her life was not caused only by her husband. The purpose of this paper is also to answer the hidden question if these personal things have something in common with the poem and if she was not in some way trying to find her own identity in that â€Å"Mirror†. A short life summary Sylvia Plath was an American poet from Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts. She lived a very short thirty-year life which was riddled with stress and depression. In much of her later poetry, Sylvia Plath sought to give birth to a creative or â€Å"deep† self hidden within her. [1] At the age of 20 she tried to commit a suicide. But this try was unsuccessful. She died at the age of 31 – after committing another (but this time successful for her) suicide in 1963. Before she did so, she had written a few confessional poems. The confessional poetry of the mid-twentieth century dealt with subject matter that previously had not been openly discussed in American poetry. Before then, the main issue of poetry implicitly included little of the poet? s private life, instead focusing upon public issues using a detached persona. The new â€Å"confessional† poems removed the mask that poets had been hiding behind and proved an insight into the private lives of the poets. 2] The poem â€Å"Mirror† is also one of the these poems, in which Sylvia exposes her private experiences, feelings and depression. That is why this poem is dark, full of unhappiness, and only picture the world from a pessimistic point of view. Nevertheless, it is not only about her life and feelings, there are many other people involved. What or Who is the â€Å"Mirror† â€Å"Something that truthfully reflects or gives a true picture of something else. †[3] That would be found as a definition of these things in any dictionary. There are many other things with the same function as a mirror. Windows, glasses, lakes and puddles are all means of showing ones reflection. A description used by Sylvia Plath is very similar: â€Å"I am silver and exact. I have no preconceptions. What ever I see I swallow immediately. Just as it is, unmisted by love or dislike. †[4] The â€Å"Mirror† states that whatever it sees it takes in automatically, meaning that it is objective in every way. Does not matter if it is a close friend or an enemy. It does not deal with any feelings, neither love nor hatred. â€Å"I am not cruel, only truthful. The eye of a little god, four-cornered. [5] The mirror? s purpose is not to be cruel, but to be equal. As it relates itself to â€Å"a little god†, it is supposed to be fairly-minded. The function is not to satisfy the subject looking into the mirror by showing him/her the person they want to see , but to display that person the way he/she really is. However, hearing the truth is something very hard to deal with in this life. Would any human being dares to claim: â€Å"I have no preconceptions†? There is very few people whose answer to this question would be â€Å"yes†. Still, Sylvia Plath is one of them. As her life was mostly full of sadness and loneliness, slowly but surely, she had been losing her feelings and interest in the world and in the others. What is to be pointed in this paper is that Sylvia Plath actually represents the â€Å"Mirror†. That it is her, â€Å"†¦meditating on the opposite wall†[6]. Meditate is a human characteristic, so the mirror is taking in a human habit. â€Å"The opposite wall† illustrates other people she is in touch with, e. j. her husband, children and friends. Considering previous times in her life (like getting married and having children) she finds something â€Å"†¦pink, with speckles. After living a certain time of her life with her husband Ted Hughes, he became a part of it and also his name was written deeply in her heart. † I have looked at is so long I think it is a part of my heart. † But this happiness was not neverending, after a few years of marriage, in 1962 the couple separated . It was claimed that Ted had been abusive to her and left Sylvia for another woman. That is why the last line of the first stanza finishes with: â€Å"Faces and darkness separate us over and over. † In the second stanza Plath goes on with the personification even with the shift from a mirror to a lake. It is not represented by her anymore. She stands for a woman â€Å"†¦bending over the lake, searching for what she really is. † That means that a lake provides more reflection than a mirror would have. Plath compares the mirror and the lake because in a mirror a person is not shown deformed but in a lake any little wave or current distorts a person? s surface reflection and show them who they really are underneath the skin. So many times people seem happy and healthy on the outside but in the inside underneath the perfection which Plath had once been is a distortion they hide from the world and never want to let out. And when it does come to light they only â€Å"†¦reward with tears and an agitation of hands. † But despite all of this, in everyone? s there is a hidden desire to know the truth. According to this, would be natural to wonder why everybody is â€Å"†¦turning to those liars, the candles or the moon. † As it is described at the very end of this poem, Plath is not being that young girl anymore. What was reflected in the lake and mirror years ago, is not seen nowadays. â€Å"In me she has drowned a young girl, and in me an old woman. † Sylvia, same like nobody else, is not very pleased to see that picture of herself in the lake. Comparing that image to a â€Å"†¦terrible fish,† the reader finds out the Plath? s dissatisfaction with her appearance (not only from the outside but also from the inside). Understanding the poem in general (not considering the writer) Firstly, it is necessary to ask a question what is easier: Telling the truth? or Listening to it? Would not be much easier to lie? What do actually people want to hear? Is it really always the truth what the people are looking for? The thing why these questions has been asked is because in this part the â€Å"mirror† as well as the â€Å"lake† stands for the â€Å"truth†. Mirror† shows here a truly thoughtful look into the different sights and feelings a mirror would have if it were a live conscious being, unable to lie. The truth is nothing else but: †¦Ã¢â‚¬ exact.. with not preconceptions†¦. It reflects the person faithfully. † It is something that gives a person a reason to be delighted or depressed. By this poem and by showing the thoughts and emotions a mirror would emit, Sylvia wants us to look inward towards how we present ourselves to the others and especially to ourselves. It is an eye-opening poem, suggesting to accept yourself the way you are and to present yourself this way. Not to play somebody? s else role, just because he/she is more popular for others. That is preferred to be done nowadays. Acting like others seems to be the easiest way to become popular. We are forgetting that a deal is not acting the way that others do, but being yourself. We find it hard to accept ourselves for who we truly are. But in the end we all must come to face the facts about who we are and how we must accept and come to grips with it before our socially forced ideals consume us forever in a world of self-loathing. And how is it about listening to the truth? According to this poem a woman bends over the lake seeking to find what she truly desire to discover (what is in this case beauty), but the lake truthfully reflects back to her what it sees. But because she does not find the answer she was looking for, she turns from the â€Å"wrong† reflection as if to look for the â€Å"truth† in something else, not expecting what she has just seen. It seems that people prefer â€Å"†¦turning to those liars,†¦Ã¢â‚¬  but on the other hand it also states: â€Å"I am important to her. Each morning it is her face that replaces the darkness. It denotes that even if we put the lie in advance, something inside is still interested in knowing the truth. The truth has not been forgotten in this life. It has just been changed for so-called â€Å"little white lies† which slowly but surely have been changing for bigger lies. Still, there is another problem being occurred. Simple question would be: Who wants to get old? The answer would be even easier: nobody. But as it is something natural, something that cannot be changed or stopped, we have to accept it. Nevertheless, not everyone knows how to deal with it. In me she has drown a young girl, and in me an old woman. † And that is why: â€Å"She rewards with tears and an agitation of hands. † This is in many cases our own story as well. Not ready to admit the age, but still reminding it by looking into mirror or lake each day. Each day we are reminded by the mirror of our lost youth and beauty that was once projected back at us so faithfully. From a different point of view In relation to some experts already analyzing this poem, what we see in a mirror, is nothing but what is created by our own psyche, self-perceptions and self-conscience. All a mirror is, is a sketch of what we think and how we feel about ourselves, may it be an image that comes from another? s perception of us or not. So it is only up to us how we decide to see ourselves in there. Conclusion In conclusion, according to Neslihan Ekmekcioglu in Sylvia Plath? s poetry, surfaces which are capable of reflecting images from within such as the mirror, the lake, the moon, indeed, stand for her desperate search for her own identity and the reality of her inner psyche. 7] Nevertheless, it is not only reflecting Sylvia Plath? s life and feelings but it has a lot in common with people living these days. It shows the real problems of nowadays that everyone deals with. Everyone wants to be perfect and it is hard to discover our failure. The same like it is hard to find out the truth about ourselves. But only by learning from our own mistakes we can get better and only by knowing the truth about ourselves we can have a good life.Bibliography

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Reflection Paper on Passing by Nella Larsen Term

Reflection on Passing by Nella Larsen - Term Paper Example Irene was a woman who hated racism. Irene learns that Clare has been hiding her African inheritance throughout her wedding. Heatedly, Irene returns home and decides to keep away from Clare, but finds herself yielding to Clare's attraction once again. Clare wants to retort the black community and induces Irene to invite her to a social circle. During the dance, Irene resentfully comprehends that Clare seems to get along with everyone and grows disappointed with her. When Irene repeatedly watches Clare's luck augment concerning her hazardous risks, she feels endangered and in the end, kills Clare by pushing her out of the window. Not only does Clare pass in skin shade, but she also passes in societal rank, which intimidates Irene's outlook of the idyllic middle-class African American. Because Clare passes for white, marries a rich man and hides her African race. Although Irene resented the way Clare hid her African race but still she supported her because of the racial ties she shares with her. As Clare was afraid of what will happen if she will show that she is African. She thought that her social class will fall and she will lose all friends but Irene didn’t believe it to be true but still she doesn’t go against her as this would be against her rules as well.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Security findemental (contract security guard service selection Essay - 2

Security findemental (contract security guard service selection exercise) - Essay Example arm to another person, making threatening remarks, damaging the property of other employees or employer with intent, possessing a weapon while conducting company business or within business premises. Others include hostile or aggressive behavior that creates reasonable fear of injury to other people or subject them to emotional distress, and committing acts related to, or motivated by, domestic violence or sexual harassment (Kim 169). The most vulnerable employees to the risk factors are those working in the public setting, including those working late at night or in the early morning hours, in small groups, in uncontrolled access environments open to other employees and the public, and other areas of previous concern that include the community and workplace settings (Hess 262). Any potentially dangerous situation should be reported to the human resource department or security supervisor at once. Reporting may be anonymously, with all reported incidents subject to thorough investigations. Incidents or reports that warrant confidentiality will receive the required appropriateness and information disseminated to others on a need-to-know basis only. There will be counseling on all parties involved as well as discussion of the findings of the investigation. The company shall actively intervene at the slightest indication of a possibly violent or hostile indication (IFPO 287). The most viable solution is worksite analysis, with mangers and supervisors being familiar with the temporary and permanent worksites of employees to enable sound decision-making options. The worksite analysis should enable the supervisors, managers, employees, and law enforcement to gather information concerning the potential risks or the possibility of the community’s experience in a particular criminal rash. Managers and supervisors should seek to identify employee environment that poses risks and threats, and address them specifically as risk factors. The working environment is uniquely

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Merger and Acquisition in China Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 7000 words

Merger and Acquisition in China - Coursework Example Therefore it will be very important to understand how this trend impacts the Chinese economy, as the country is effectively competing with other countries for FDI and this should affect the over all position of China in the international trade arena. The open door policy initiated by Deng Xiaoping in China in1992 with the intention to push forward China's economic progress brought in considerable wealth in the form of Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) (Galbraith, 2000). This policy enabled institutional change (North 1990), which in turn created opportunities for investment into the Chinese economy. What was different about this policy was that it was a gradual change and not a sudden change as experienced in other developing countries, which led to bankruptcies and high costs (Campbell and Lindberg 1991). This policy also placed emphasis on foreign capital policy, the foreign exchange system, and it also offered promising conditions for foreign investors (Galbraith, 2000). This policy has since reaped dividends given that the main mode for FDI into the Chinese economy has been through foreign funded and joint venture companies. This has also reflected in figures which show that between 1990 and 1996, China managed to attract app roximately $230 billion of foreign capital, with 20% of that amount coming from developing nations (Galbraith, 2000). However, the open door policy did more than just attract FDI to China; it also introduced the market for corporate control, which is where firms are sold and bought, or are taken over (Groenewegen 2004). This market for corporate control previously did not exist, due to the high number of enterprises owned by the state, which also meant that no FDI was coming into the economy. By opening up the economy, most of these government enterprises have now been left open for mergers and acquisitions, due to market forces operating in the economy. For instance, this open door policy led to initiatives from the Chinese government to reduce non-profitable enterprises (Groenewegen 2004), and between 1995 and 2002 the number of state owned enterprises decreased by 46% and profit increased by 163.6% (SASAC 2004). First of all these figures demonstrate that during that time period there was a record number of mergers and acquisitions, and that these were probably due to the need to establish profitable organizations for the Chinese government. These figures also show that mergers and acquisitions have the ability to generate revenue through profits, which demonstrate that the new organizations are more efficient than they were in their previous state. This clearly suggests that the Chinese government experienced a lot of the advantages of mergers and acquisitions from the introduction of the market for corporate control; however one also has to consider the effect of this open door policy on small private companies. The move from a centrally planned economy to a market economy has also encouraged FDI as the government has had to make changes to tax systems, in order to make them more favourable to investors. Foreign investors are considered to introduce new technology, new methods, structures, process and management styles to the economy which result in increased productivity

Monday, August 26, 2019

Are two sets of GAAP really needed for Colleges and Universities Research Paper

Are two sets of GAAP really needed for Colleges and Universities - Research Paper Example This resulted in difference in accounting procedures and financial reporting models adopted by the private institutions as compared to the public institutions which followed fund-based reporting. Later with the introduction of GASB in 1984, public institutions abandoned fund-based reporting to adopt the GASB guidance to conform to federal government directive. This has led to difference in the comparability of the financial statements where to institutions uses different rules and procedures in financial reporting (Hoyle, et al 831). The user of independent university and colleges are mainly rating agencies, donors, students, parents and federal agencies. The FASB provides for recognition of contribution, pledges, impairments and investments. These disclosures are important to the stakeholders in making decisions. On the other hand GASB does not allow for of contributed services, trusts, capitalization of software and pledges, are not necessary since the stake holders are interested in such disclosures. Therefore, the two set of GAAPs does not allow comparability between the public university and independent institutions (Ruppel 563). As delineated above both the FASB and GASB occasion disparity in display, disclosure, measurement and recognition thus challenging the comparability of financial statement. This occasions difficulties in ascertaining the transparency in financial reporting between the two similar institutions. Although both public and private universities and colleges objectives are similar, they differ on interested stakeholders who may require different disclosures to be made in the financial statements. Therefore, the financial statement and the disclosures should be tailor made to meet the need of the stakeholders. In conclusion, if the two boards could harmonize the measurements, display, disclosure and recognition of the financial reporting model and

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Business Law Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Business Law - Case Study Example the police officer handled the arrest in a harsh manner before confirming that he was indeed the ‘scum’ who was being sort after because of killing a cop. Once, Tyrion is taken to the police, and is handed over to Bolton, the supervising sergeant, all the officers at the police station gave him a hostile reception since they were made to understand that he was ‘Rob Stark’. As Bolton, the supervising sergeant allows Tyrion the right to remain silent, and the right to have an attorney, he is moved to the interview room under close check but his right to attorney is denied because the attorney does not appear during his arrest(Ripstein 200). Apparently, due to his condition at the time of arrest, he suddenly passes out and when he regains consciousness in the hospital bed, he has injures in his body, an indication that he might have been tortured at the police cell. The event of Wednesday night as the comic book night had brought friends together. Never the less, after the comic night these friends engaged themselves in various criminal activities that could lead to arrest (Abbott 95). In this case, Amy Farrah Fowler, ex-jilted lover to Cooper has committed criminal offenses because she is in possession of a stun gun, and she has also managed to cause fire to the adjacent building from where she had caused intimidation to Cooper and Hofstadter by ordering them to undress as gun point and further burning their clothes. Similarly, in defence Hofstadter commits a criminal offense by grabbing the knife that was in possession of Cooper and stabs Fowler in the abdomen four times before he and Cooper run way. Previously, Cooper has used the same knife to stab Fowler in the bid to defend himself and Hofstadter from Fowler’s attack (Abbott 95). In regard to Wolowitz, he has committed a criminal offense because he has willingly accepted to take a date from an undercover female police officer who happens to have disguised herself as a prostitute. Due

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Connecting my teaching style with what adult leraners need to know Research Paper

Connecting my teaching style with what adult leraners need to know - Research Paper Example While the quantity of lessons may matter with ample significance at anytime, such an instructor does not afford to neglect providing quality in his unique creative style of teaching which naturally earns appreciation by colleagues and pupils alike. An effective teacher exhibits a character of passion toward mastery of specialization or subject being taught so that in this manner, adult learners are concretely addressed as they meet their maturing scholastic needs. Because it is part of his chief objective to sustain learning with excellence, he finds a way to exceed the standards of his profession. He even considers exploring knowledge of the yet unknown for the benefit not only of improving his intellect but also of inspiring the students with the wonderful idea of gaining the intended proficiency through their individual endeavors both at present and in the future. Adult students, similarly, are able to show regular attendance and to listen and perform in a stimulating atmosphere f ostered by a teacher who demonstrates skilfulness in classroom management. Given this condition, no matter how busy an adult learner is with non-academic cares, valuable learning becomes accessible. An effective teacher serves a huge contributing factor in making such student figure ways of putting valuable ideas to application when solving problems and handling studies with the favour of working under alternative situations as seen fit. Having the initiative and discerning what to do upon encounter of conflict make the anticipated output of learning valuably. Positive development among adult learners, on the other hand, may be perceived once a creative style of teaching facilitates belief that new experiences could be found and used as a tool for an advancement in an adult’s learning capacity. Based on Kolb’s theory (1984), the impetus for the development of new concepts is provided by new experiences where Kolb himself stated that â€Å"Learning is the process where by knowledge is created through the transformation of experience† (Mcleod, 2010). Hence, as one develops positively, it may occur pleasingly worthwhile to construct awareness and social growth with the rest of the academic community. Around this stage, productive motivation is sought to come along since the learning process allows each adult learner to seek greater essence in connecting an individual’s well-being or ultimate identity to a set of tasks assigned by the motivational instructions. Because there ought to be harmony of interaction between the teacher and the student in order to translate effective teaching into remarkable outcomes with knowledge, hence, both parties must converge onto a common interest or point of similarity as through behaviour and way of thinking. The effective teacher may draw an adult pupil to this convergence if his technique of instruction is built on resourcefulness, for a resourceful character tends to adopt the mood of exhausting pos sibilities for the teacher and the learner to function within transparent relationship. Strategizing an effort to know each student at depth such that it yields back similar action in response would assuredly cause higher degree of motivation for the learner to trust and utilize the concepts with pertinent

Cover letter &Resume Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Cover letter &Resume - Essay Example Likewise, I have already established an education and design company in China, which gives me a competitive advantage through the experiences encountered in start-up and in operating a business endeavor. I came to the United States to earn a degree in Economics, which is a field of discipline I consider of crucial importance to contemporary global organizations. I plan to eventually venture in the international market and my gaining a degree in Economics in a prestigious university in the United States would give me significant advantage to succeed. the identified software programs; as well as navigate the Internet for research and other social activities with exemplary skills. I am also a good team player; I am highly motivated and flexible; as well as manifest the ability to efficiently handle multiple tasks, as required. I am hereby attaching my resume for your perusal. I could be reached at any of the contact numbers indicated therein. I would also be available for scheduled interviews at any of your most convenient time. Rest assured that when considered for the position, our professional relationship would definitely be mutually beneficial. I would be looking forward to hearing from you soon. Objective: My professional goal is to become part of a global organization and to apply the theoretical frameworks gained in the field of economics. As a highly motivated and immensely driven individual, I plan to be an instrumental contributor to future organizations through the application of developed skills in economic policy design, international business and global management, as well as in evaluating micro- and macro-perspectives affecting the organizations’ operations. "Spring 2014 Internship, Economic Security Washington D.C." 2014. The EastWest Institute.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Balck Death in England Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Balck Death in England - Essay Example The Yersinia Pestis bacteria triggered England’s version of the Black Death. The fleas were the confirmed carriers of the deadly bacteria. The fleas attached themselves on the bodies of rats. The fleas sucked the blood of the rats. The Black Death pandemic reached the shores of England during a few years prior to 1350.4 Furthermore, the Black Death pandemic is known as the bubonic plague. The pandemic originally came from China. The travelers using the trade routes from China to England carried the plague. Some of the flea-infested rats hid behind grain sacks and other products transported through the trade routes from China ot England.5 Since quarantine was not yet in place, England was not able to detect whether individuals entering England were infected with the Black Death (Bubonic Plague). Since medical science did not have adequate knowledge on how to spot, vaccinate, or kill the deadly bacteria, more people died from healthcare ignorance.6 The bacteria-infected fleas carrying the deadly bacteria rode on the rat’s body. The rats lived inside the holes of the people’s homes. Consequently, the fleas were able to bite the human residents7. When the fleas sucked the human residents’ blood, the bacteria entered human victims. Inside the human host, the bacteria immediately lodged itself in the human’s lymphatic system. Inside the system, the bacteria start to increase in quantity. They increased bacteria group’s swelling was classified as buboes. This was how the bubonic plague identification was crafted. After several days in the lymphatic system, the increased bacteria population attacks the human victims’ blood. Next, the bacteria infect the human victims’ spleen. Further, the bacteria invade the human victims’ spleen. Finally, the victims succumb to the overwhelming infection. Death is inevitable.8 The Black Death triggered a reduction on the England population. An estimated fifty percent of the

Thursday, August 22, 2019

The New Rule Essay Example for Free

The New Rule Essay Judging by the numbers has been an integral way of assessing the success or failure of a company or a CEO from then and even until present. The influence of this method has been augmented by the advocacy by â€Å"successful† executives through their published and mediated ideas. But even with the prevailing numerically-dependent idea on success, it seems that globalization has paved way for people to rethink and reconsider other â€Å"rules† that must have been missed out before. Fortune senior writer Betsy Morris wrote an article about â€Å"New Rules† that, as it is implied in the text, should replace the Wallstreet-pressured old ones. The question is: Is there really a necessity to replace the old rules with new ones?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The old rules are easier to manage and apply compared to the new ones. The old rules focus merely on raising the numbers; everything is judged based on the numerical values. Theoretically, there are no people to please, and not much effort on creative thinking is necessary. All that has to be done is to follow proven formulas of success, that is, as dictated by the experiences of â€Å"successful† businessmen and executives. The only goal is to be on top and it was believed that that goal can be easily attained with linear progression as long as the â€Å"book† was followed.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   To exemplify this, there is this old rule about big dogs owning the street (Morris, 2006). Based on this old rule, the greatest benefits and rewards in the industry are reaped by the biggest player or by the economies of scale. This old rule is relatively easy to manage compared to its counterpart in the â€Å"new rules,† that is to be agile. Although being big is not as easy as what might have been implied, this old rule is considered one because based on what is implied in the rule, just being big allows the player to take advantage of whatever resource in the industry or to take huge profits from a specific market without much effort and simply just by being â€Å"big.† As it is with their status, the natural laws of economics come to play under normal circumstances, that is, the economies of scale could naturally spread their fixed costs and thus acquire larger revenues (Morris, 2006).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   This is not the case with its counterpart â€Å"new rule.† Based on the new rule, the player must be agile because being big can actually bring harm (Morris, 2006). This rule implies more than the requirement of a player to simply be agile. It implies the necessity of a certain ability that is, to properly observe the direction of the market and be able to apply this gained knowledge to the needs of the company.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The new rules, thus, require more than the ability to follow rules. It requires that the leader or executive is able to have the wisdom to realize the need to acquire knowledge and be able to use the gained knowledge (particularly the needs of the market) to direct the company towards adapting to these needs and continuously make the company flexible afterwards. The ease in managing the old rules is dependent on its nature which is based on â€Å"following,† while the new rules are mainly based on â€Å"skill and creativity†.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   That the â€Å"old rules† are in fact labeled as â€Å"old† does not necessarily mean it should all be replaced with the new ones or worse, eradicated and forgotten. After all, these rules are based on wisdom from past experiences and it is not very difficult to find similarities, no matter how small between past experiences and current ones. The term â€Å"old† may not always be synonymous with â€Å"better† but the same can be said with â€Å"new†. It is actually possible that both are equally important and a fusion of which could create a better â€Å"rule†.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Citing again the example on the old rule of big dogs owning the street and its counterpart new rule, agility is best, it can be said that while the old rule may not necessarily be better than the old rule, being â€Å"not big† does not also guarantee positive effects. Agility and the company’s flexibility, plus, being big, can actually create more advantage for the company. With the big company’s ability to spread its fixed costs and the agile company’s ability to make efficient use of resources, the business can actually reduce its costs and make more revenues.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Similarly, any company can attempt to find a niche or create something new. This is not an easy feat because as it is said, it involves creativity. But a company must not limit itself to just one of two choices. The old and new rules that are presented in the article are not opposites. This means that it is actually feasible for a company to both strive being the best in the market and at the same time, strive to always create something new for their market.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Starbucks may have â€Å"continuous change† as their goal but this goal is only the surface of an underlying goal. Why does Starbucks want to keep moving and evolving? This is to continue their identity, which caters to their market, that keeps their profits and thus keep the enterprise going. Starbucks may not have had being number 1 as their main goal but they were able to be on top by always creating something new for their clients. In the end, it is able to take advantage of its ability to create something new, as well as its being on top. Being on top had become one of the old rules because it had a rationale that is deeper than the â€Å"numbers†. A top business could improve the employees’ morale and could thus make them become better in performing their jobs. This could result in better relationships with clients. The businesses’ rules must not be limited to a choice between the old or the new. Both are not opposites and the instances when both can be done simultaneously to complement the other must be recognized.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   While in general, the new rules teach about the importance of flexibility the necessity of the corporate world to be able to adapt and consider the actual needs of its clients, some of the old rules can be truly â€Å"greedy†.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   One old rule that represents this is that the shareholders rule. According to a study done by One Bain Co. (Morris, 2006), there is a significant discrepancy about the perceptions of the executives about the quality of their service and the perceptions of the customers themselves. It is said that 80% of the executives perceive themselves as doing a great service and only 8% of the customers agree (Morris, 2006).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   This implies that the customers’ needs are not adequately met while the executives consider themselves as being justly compensated for their â€Å"efforts,† and the company being the just recipients of revenues. It may be that any business is made for the sole purpose of profiting. But this does not exempt anyone from disregarding ethical considerations. Simply put, any customer deserves the value of what they pay for.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In addition, the companies, whether profit-centered or otherwise, must realize that the laws of economics would indicate that catering to the customers would actually increase the revenues and considering the new rule (The Customer is King), can be a positive way of gaining profits instead of taking so much effort to decrease their operating costs, which could in almost all cases, also reduce their product’s quality. Considering the clients could only be symbiotic, benefiting both the clients and the business itself. This has been proven by companies like Apple and Genentech (Morris, 2006).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In the rapidly changing times and with globalization, it seems that the â€Å"new rules† are most applicable. This is because these new rules can only be products of observations of the successful companies and CEO’s at the present time. Still, it must be noted that the â€Å"old rules† were what the people considered then as the â€Å"new rules†. This means that rules are created based on what seems appropriate depending on the demands situations and circumstances that happen at a certain period. With this in mind, what is important is not exactly to follow which rule is popular at a certain period but to allow circumstances and the nature of events to become guides in strategizing and decision-making. Truly, following the old rules religiously would be like staying at a certain era and preventing growth. But still, following the â€Å"new rules† by-the-book would be self-contradictory because the principle behind the â€Å"new rules† is to allow constant change and flexibility depending on specific factors involved. Like what the Morris (2006) said about the old rules, the â€Å"new rules† are made to answer specific problems of a specific situation at a specific time. Then, it is only the value of flexibility that must be retained. As it is, the world will always change even with resistance from business players and all that can be done is to allow themselves to be swayed and be creative so that each situation can be used to their competitive advantage. Still, the old rules must not be completely disregarded. These old rules must be seen based on the rationale or wisdom behind. Because such rules, when seen at a less common or different perspective could still apply to a specific present, although not necessarily modern situation. Jack Welch may right when he said that â€Å"If applied correctly†¦ rules can work forever.† (Morris, 2006). The only question that matters then is â€Å"what is correctly?† Again, â€Å"correctly† depends on one’s ability to gain knowledge in situations, be flexible and be creative in using these situations to his or her advantage—but of course, with all the ethical considerations. Works Cited Morris, B. (2006). The New Rules. Fortune. Retrieved 28 Feb 2007 from

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Internal and External Analysis of Pak Electron Ltd

Internal and External Analysis of Pak Electron Ltd Pak electron ltd is the pioneer manufacture of electrical goods. It was establish in 1956 in technical collaboration with M/S AEG of Germany. In October 1978 the group was bought by Saigal Group of Industries. Since its inception, the company has always been contribution towards the advancements and development of the engineering sector in Pakistan by producing hundreds of engineers, skilled workers and technicians through its apprenticeship schemes and training program. The products manufactured by PEL have always been of high standard and the name PEL is synonymous with QUALITY all over Pakistan. Since its inception, the company has been working for the advancement and development of engineering know-how in Pakistan. The company has produced hundreds of engineers, skilled workers and technicians through its apprenticeship schemes training programs. PEL has been continuously adding new products to its range. As a result, PEL has registered a significant increase in its sales volume, during the last ten years. PEL PROFILE Pak Elektron Limited (PEL) is the pioneer manufacturer of electrical goods in Pakistan. It  was established in 1956 in technical collaboration with M/s AEG of Germany. In October  1978, the company was bought by the Saigol Group of Companies. Since its inception,  the company has always been contributing towards the advancement and development of  the engineering sector in Pakistan by introducing a range of quality home appliances and  by producing hundreds of engineers, skilled workers and technicians through its  apprenticeship schemes and training programmers. The company comprises of two divisions: Appliances Division Power Division Appliances Division PELs appliance division is the flag carrier of the Saigol group. This division of PEL consists of Home appliance manufacturing. PEL Air Conditioners PEL window-type air conditioners were introduced in 1981 in technical collaboration with General Corporation of Japan. Ever since their launch, PEL air conditioners have a leading position in the market. PEL air conditioners cooling performance has been tested and approved by Copeland and ITS USA and today PEL holds approximately45% of air conditioners market share. PEL Refrigerators The manufacturing of refrigerators started in 1986-87 in technical collaboration with M/s IAR-SILTAL of Italy. Like the air conditioner, PELs refrigerators are also in great demand. Today, PEL Crystal has 30% market share. Its cooling performance is tested and approved by Danfoss, Germany and its manufacturing facility is ISO 9002 certified by SGS Switzerland. PEL Deep Freezers PEL deep freezers were introduced in 1987 in technical collaboration with M/s Ariston of Italy. Due to their durability and high quality, PEL deep freezers are the preferred choice of companies like Lever Brothers. POWER DIVISION PEL Power Division manufactures energy meters, transformers, switchgears, Kiosks,  compact stations, shunt capacitor banks etc. All these electrical goods are assembled  under strict quality control and in accordance with international standards. PEL is one of the major electrical equipment suppliers to Water and Power Development  Authority (WAPDA) and Karachi Electrical Supply Corporation (KESC), which are the  largest power companies in Pakistan. Over the years, PEL electrical equipment has had been used in numerous power projects  of national importance within Pakistan. PEL has the privilege of getting its equipment  approved and certified from well-reputed international consultants such as: Preece, Cardew and Rider, England Harza Engineering Company, USA Snam Progeti, Italy Societe Dumezm, France Miner Miner International Inc. USA Ensa, France In spite of stiff competition from emerging local and multinational brands, PEL Groups appliances and electrical equipments have remained in the spotlight due to constant innovation. Strategic partnerships with Copeland, Danfoss, Samsung and others have enabled the PEL Group to incorporate new technologies into existing product ranges, thus giving the Pakistani market access to innovative, affordable and quality products. TRANSFORMER PEL has vast experience in design and manufacturing of standard and special purpose transformers up to 33kV and up to 6000kVA ratings. PEL make oil immersed transformers with natural cooling are suitable for both indoor and outdoor installations. These are manufactured according to BSS-171, IEC-76 or VDE-0532 and tropical zed to meet adverse environmental conditions. All our transformers are offered with tabular tank, having a conservator and breather. However, hermetically sealed transformers are also manufactured up to 1000kVA ratings. PEL transformers are available for various applications: Distribution transformers (pole mounted or pad mounted design) Auto transformers Furnace transformers Welding transformers Chokes for furnace transformers Any other special requirement PELs transformers have been successfully type tested for Impulse voltage and short circuit tests at KEMA, (Holland), HVSC Lab, Rawat (Pakistan), NIP (Pakistan) and UET (Pakistan). ENERGY METER Single-Phase Energy Meters: PEL manufactures Electro-mechanical Energy Meters under license from ABB-USA. The quality of PEL meters has been certified by KEMA Laboratories (Holland) and conforms to IEC 521, SGS Yarsley, and U.K., has certified PEL Energy Meter plant for ISO 9002. PEL type MC8 is a direct connection single-phase meter. The design and constructional features include overload compensation and temperature compensation, thus providing maintenance-free operation over a long period and accurate measurement of electrical energy. The frame is sturdy in construction and the covers are available in unbreakable polycarbonate plastic material. Poly-Phase Energy Meters: PEL type TBL is a direct connection poly-phase meter having improved load performance and precision accuracy over a wide load range. All meter parts are corrosion protected for long-term reliability. It has a magnetic bearing system that is self-cleaning, non-aging and tamper resistant. This ensures virtually frictionless operation of the rotor while withstanding abuse from surges and magnetic tampering. The meter is available with one-piece high impact polycarbonate cover. The terminal cover is extended type that completely shrouds the service cable. History of Refrigerator In 1748 Dr.William Cullen did first experiment in artificial refrigeration. In the early 1800s, Michael Faraday discovered the liquefying ammonia gas which causes cooling. IN 1804, Oliver Evans, and American design the first refrigeration machine. In 1834, Jacob Perkins, an American invented the refrigerator in London. In 1844, an American physician, Oliver Evinces built a refrigerator to make ice to cool the air. In 1874, Raoul Picked of Switzerland, invented a a compressor system using sulphur dioxide instead of ammonia. In 1876, German engineer, Carl Von Linden made the process of liquefying gas, basic refrigerator technology. In 1915 Alfred Mellows starts to build first self container refrigerator for home use. In 1920 there were some 200 different refrigerators in the market. In 1922 Baltzar Von Platen and Carl Munters introduce absorption process refrigerator. Refrigerator from the late 1800s until 1929 used the toxic gases, ammonia and methyl chloride and Sulphur dioxide as refrigerant. In 1931 the first air cooled refrigerator launched by Electrolux. In 1947 GE launched two door refrigerators freezer combination. In 1955 80% of American homes now have refrigerators. Throughout the 1960s to 1970s house hold refrigerators were improved to better suit consumers. According to the history channel, today refrigerators are more energy efficient With the advancement of technology from this era to current era, now, there is quick change in the styles and quality. Timeline of Air Conditioning Events Here is a timeline of historical facts about the development of the air-conditioning industry you may find interesting and help you appreciate the impact this important industry has on our lives. 1882 Thanks to Thomas Edison, the first electric power plant opens in New York, making it possible for the first time to have an inexpensive source of energy for residential and commercial buildings. 1889 Central station refrigeration is used in large cities to preserve foods and documents. 1902 Willis Carrier builds the first air conditioner to combat humidity inside a printing company. Controlling the humidity in printing companies and textile mills was the start of managing the inside environments. 1906 Willis Carrier patents his invention calling it an Apparatus for Treating Air. 1906 Stuart W. Cramer coins the term Air Conditioning. 1913 The first international exposition devoted exclusively to refrigeration is held in Chicago. 1917 The first documented theater to use refrigeration is the New Empire Theatre in Montgomery, Alabama. In that same year, the Central Park Theater in Chicago is built to incorporate the new technology: air conditioning. 1928 The Chamber of the House of Representatives is air conditioned. 1929 The Senate is air conditioned. 1930 The White House, the Executive Office Building, and the Department of Commerce are air-conditioned. 1942 The Potomac Electric Power Company (PEPCO) becomes the nations first summer peaking utility. 1946 After World War II, the demand for room air-conditioners begins to increase. Thirty thousand room air-conditioners were produced that year. 1947 Air conditioning becomes a bargaining issue when textile workers in North Carolina strike because of stressful heat and humidity in the workplace. 1950 A major study shows that families living in air conditioned homes sleep longer in summer, enjoy their food more, and have more leisure time. 1953 Room air conditioner sales exceed one million units with demand still exceeding supply. 1953The air conditioning and refrigeration institute is formed from two associations: the Refrigeration Equipment Manufacturers Association and the Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Machinery Association. 1955 Mass marketing of frozen dinners begins: ads promote TV dinners. 1957 The first rotary compressor was introduced, permitting units to be smaller, quieter, weigh less, and more efficient than the reciprocating type. 1969 Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walk on the moon in spaces suits with life support and cooling systems. 1977 New technology allows heat pumps to operate at lower outdoor temperatures while heating on the reversed refrigeration cycle. 1987 The United Nations Montreal Protocol for protection of the earths ozone layer is signed. The Protocol establishes international cooperation on the phase-out of stratospheric ozone depleting substances, including the chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) refrigerants used in some refrigeration and air conditioning equipment. 1990 ARI, in conjunction with the U.S. Department of Energy, initiates the Materials Compatibility Lubricants Research (MCLR) program, which helps manufacturers to 21 accelerate away from CFC refrigerants. 1992 The R-22 Alternative Refrigeration Evaluation Program (AREP) begins a four- year program to investigate alternatives to R-502 and HCFC-22. 1995 Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) production in the United States ends December 31. 1997 North American Technician Excellence (NATE) formed to promote excellence in technicians who install and service air-conditioning and refrigeration equipment. The NATE-certified logo is synonymous with The Best. 1998Research for the 21st centaury a multi-year, million-dollar research program for air-conditioning and refrigeration equipment begins. The objective is to decrease building energy usage while improving indoor air quality. 1998 Shipments of unitary air conditioners and heat pumps set a record of more than 6.2 million Units. 1998 After receiving five annual awards from the U.S envoi mental protection agency for contributions to environmental protection, ARI was awarded a Best of the Best award for continued environmental concern. Organizational Departments Finance department Marketing department Sales department Trading department Consumer marketing department Credit control department Customer service department Human resource management department Distributions department Quality control department Department working Finance Department: Finance department provide money for the working of the organization. Pel companys department borrows loan mainly from national bank and settle terms and conditioned of the interest and time period of returning the load with it. when the sale is made the company firstly return the loan with interest. Human Resource Department: Human resource department of the Pel Company is very much conscious of hiring the employees for the company. The standards he set for hiring the new poople.HRM department of the company mainly makes the external recruitment .this is usually done through news paper web sites extra.HRM department also set salaries, packages and TA, DA allowances. Marketing Department: Marketing department is the back bone of any firm. marketing department generally analyze the needs and wants of the customer. Then this department tells about the customer needs to the company which in tern launches the products according to the needs of the customers. Marketing department is responsible for making strong advertisement for the products. Sales Department: Sales department is responsible for making sales of the product. This department generally takes orders from the market, gives information to the credit control department. Area credit control department gives information to the head office. Head office discuss situation with the finance department and then at last finance department gives authority to area credit control department to settle term and conditions with dealers. Customer service center department: This department is very much important for the company because its makes the good will of the company. It provide services to the customers who have their clams and makes the customer loyal. It also gives the feed back to the head office to provide the required spare parts. Consumer Marketing Department: Consumer marketing department gives packages to the person who has low income to attract them to purchase their products. They have their own area offices. This department works under credits control departments. Trading Department: This department is involved for importing products. This department imports the required products according to the demand of the customer such as split unit. This department is controlled by its head, which works directly under the head office. This department sends terms and condition of trade to the head office and finance department for the financing. Production Department: Production department is involved only producing the products. This department purchases raw material from the suppliers. Then pass the raw material from various dyes machines, modelling machines etc; from the assembly line according to the required shapes of the products. Distribution department: This department distributes the final products from the production department to the dealers and then ultimately to the consumers. This department is only responsible for distributing products according to the requirement and demand of the sectors. Managerial Functions Planning Refrigerator: Planning is very much important function of the management.PEL company makes the planning regarding refrigerator by observing the market. How much a company can sales in a particular segments there any chance of growth is also in the planning of the company refrigerator. Split Unit: The company planning regarding split unit firstly is the observation of the market. Then after observation how much to import the split units. Finance and trading department also give suggestion for planning regarding split unit .Then set their plans according to the requirement. Organizing Refrigerator: The organizing regarding refrigerator how to make availability of refrigerator assured. Taking in the account the policy regarding refrigerator of the company how much to produce and when to produce etcà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Almost all the department are involved in organizing and also how much margin to give to the dealers. Split Unit: While organizing the company takes into account that the last year sales and how much to sale in a particular area. Mainly quality control, finance department and trading department are involved in organizing for how much to import, when to import,where to import etcà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Leading Reference: Head office mainly leads all departments regarding refrigerator .All the sub ordinate department officers lead the related department and employees and loyal to the head office for their working. Their is check and balance situation for every department. Split Unit: Head office mainly leads all the related department of the split units. Trading department is mainly the leader in split unit case for importing it and direct reliable to the head office. For leading it also give its requirement to its head office for finance and for the quality control of the product. Controlling Refrigerator: Controlling is the main functions after making the pervious steps. Managers of the each department control its own department working and are liable to the managing director. There is check and balance situation. In controlling, monthly and annual basis analysis are made. How much sale is made and for the betterment of the product research and development department then do its job. Split Unit: In controlling of the split units, trading department mainly control the import of the splits units. it checks the quantity of the units and quality control department checks the quality of the split units before launching it in the market. Strategic Management Model Environmental Scanning Environmental scanning is the monitoring, evaluating and discriminating of information from the external and internal environment to keep people within the corporation. The company scans the environment in the following way: General Forces: It includes: Political Legal Forces: PEL Company is very much conscious about the political and legal environment of the country. The company changes its labor wages which is registered whenever a govt. changes the labor laws. Technological Forces: PEL Company tries to adopt the future technology for using in the product. They always keep in view the technology for increasing the quality of the product for their customers. On the basis of modern technology, company is the market leader regarding the appliances. Economic Forces: Economic forces means change in disposable Income, flections in the market, inflation, change in rate of interest etcà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Company always keep in mind the economic conditions of the country and sets its prices accordingly. Social Cultural Forces: It includes environmental concerns, work life quality attitudes and also work force diversity etcà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦PEL Company keeps in view the social culture changes of the country and sets its target accordingly. Task Environment: It Includes: Customers: PEL Company customers include various government organization such as wapda and Karachi power company regarding power divisions.PEL Company has also an internal and external customers. Internal customers are those who are the employees of the company which dont makes big affect on the sales. External customers are those which are the outsides the company such as general pubic except employees. Suppliers: PEL Company has its suppliers regarding its appliance division are Abdullah and Heartz, Star enterprises, Pals codes system. Etcà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦and have its suppliers regarding split unit from china. Competitors: PEL Company has its competitors like Dawlance, Waves, LG, Haier etc. PEL Company makes close analysis of its competitors to understand its strategies and to overcome its deficiencies. Public Pressure Groups: There is no public pressure group which affect the working of the company because PEL Company makes product by viewing all its aspects which dont affect the societal environment of the economy. Internal Environment Structure: Company has very systematic structure; the information flows from top to low bottom and from bottom to top mean mechanistic style have rigid chain of command. Culture: The company has strong culture. Employees work in teams and have set great expectation and values for the incoming employees. Resources: It includes: Assets Heavy Machinery, Skill full Employees etcà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Skills Labour skills, employee skill etcà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Competences Quickly responsible to competitors Knowledge Half and annually based training. Strategy Formulation Mission Objective Company has its objective regarding refrigerator to be number 1 in the market in the coming three years. Company also set the objective to make the split units in the factory in future. Strategy Company has a comprehensive master plan to achieve its mission and objectives. Company is trying to stabilize its market share regarding its refrigerator and split unit and also want its growth in the future. Policies Company has its policy to maintain the quality of its products at lower cost and provides the consistent value satisfaction to the customer. Strategy Implementation Strategy implementation is the process in which strategy and policy are put into the action through the development of program, budgets and procedures. Program Program is the statement of the activity of the steps needed to accomplish a single use Plan.PEL Company has a program to make split units in its own factory. Budgets A budget is a statement of the corporation program in term of money. In Planning and controlling list the detail cost of each program. Company set a budget for making split unit in its own company and its also for having advertising. Procedures Sequential steps to complete program known as procedure. Companys program for making split units includes procedures .How much to purchase from supplier at which cost. Evaluation Control It is the process in which cooperates activity and performance results are monitored so that actual performance can b compared with the desired performance.PEL Company makes the evaluation by acquiring the information at all level from managers. And then they take the step for controlling the situation if it is not matching with the desired performance. Business Analysis SWOT Analysis SWOT stands for strength and weakness of an organization in the light of opportunities and threats outside the organization. Strength Refrigerator: Company has its strength in refrigerator. Customer loyalty Trade and experienced staff Usage of Vinyl coating material Compressor quality (DAN FOSS Germany) Splits Units: Company has its Strength in Split Units. Low cost from others Better cooling Low power consumption Weakness Refrigerator: Company has its weakness in refrigerator. No uses of compressor drain try No use of drain tries Splits Units: Company has its weakness in Split Unit Cooling problem Opportunity Refrigerator: Company has the opportunity Can increase it sales due to loyalty Can import due to its name Splits Units: Companies have the opportunity To make split units Control prices Can increase its market share Threats Refrigerator: Companies have the opportunity Competitors can produce similar products New foreign companies Reduction of prices PEST ANAYLSIS Political Political or legal forces means law and order situation in the country. Countrys policies for the trading companies. Political and legal situation regarding PEL Company is stated as Refrigerator: Registered Labours Increase wages when govt. changes Labour policies No political affects Splits Units: No pressure from political parties Economical Mean economic condition of the country such as change in dispose bale income, fluctuation in market, inflation rate etcCompany sets the prices according to the economic situation of Pakistan. Refrigerator: Middle and upper class Generally in inflation situation buying power decreases Reduction of prices Reduce of quality Splits Units: Cost of product is main thing Social Refrigerator: Employees Work in Shifts. No Women in Work Force. Employees are well settled according to the culture Split Unit: Socially no affect Technological Refrigerator Technology Affects The Working OF A Company. Company Adopts Modern Technology Receives Feedback. Split Unit: Use of modern Of Technology. Quality Checking. POTERs 5 Model Bargaining Power of Supplier Bargaining power of PEL Companys suppliers is comparatively low due to the large number of supplier such as Abdullah and hearts, Pals Codes system etcà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Bargaining Power of buyer PEL Company have high bargaining power as compare to suppliers due to presence of many suppliers. Threat Of New Entrant There is always a threat of new entrant. PEL Company is facing a threat from foreign a local companies. Existing firms PEL Competitors like Dawlance, Waves and LG can reduce its appliances products prices. Threat Of Substitute Product Dawlance, Waves, LG etcà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦can produce substitute products at low rates which is threat for the company. BCG Matrix Refrigerator: Refrigerator is placed in star box because it has high share and market growth. Refrigerator has 45% of the market share and also increasing its market growth. Split Unit: Split unit is also placed in star box due to high market share and market growth. Split unit has 30%of the market share and continuously increasing market growth. Marketing Research Pictures Marketing MIX PRODUCT PRICE PLACE PROMOTION Product Product is a thing that satisfies customer demands. Pel Company is very much conscious to make the products which satisfy the customer needs. Company makes the product: According to the needs of the customer What kind of size and model they want What kind of features and functions they want What kind of packaging they want Price Price is very much important because it attracts the customer in first look. PEL Company is very much conscious about price. Company sets the prices of the products by Analyzing the market situation Actual cost of the product Marketing expenses of the product Profit margin of the company Comparison to other home appliances Setting deal with dealers Place Place plays a very important role for any companys product. If the product is not rightly placed, company will suffer from loss. Company places its product: According to the requirement of customer and market In more populated area of the city Against competitors products More convenient to the customers Promotion Once company makes the product, it needs promotion for the awareness of the customers. Unless a company will not arrange for promotion a products cant succeed. PEL Company promotes its product through: Bill Boards Internet News paper Brushers Television ISO Detail There are some requirements that the PEL Company fulfill to get the ISO certificate. International Standard Practices Total Quality Management Good Management practice Key Force Competitive Teamwork State Of The Art Production Commitment For Quality Efficiency Monitoring Process Zero Defect Group Profile In 1948, The Saigols Migrated From Calcutta Initiated Their Business In Lyallpur(Later Named Faisalabad) Under The Banner Of Kohinoor Industries Ltd. Kohinoor Textile Mills. Pak Elektron Ltd. Kohinoor Power Company Ltd. Kohinoor Energy Ltd. Kohinoor Motor Works Ltd. Saigol Computer Pvt. Ltd. Saritow Spinning Mills The Azam Textile Mills. Completely Import Export Imports Refrigerator: In refrigerator there is Usually No Import because the PEL Company manufactures it own refrigerator. Some Time PEL Company Import Spare Parts on the Requirement of need. Split Unit: PEL Company Import split unit From China. It completely import the splitunit because they do not manufacture the split unit. Export In split unit there is no export because PEL Company totally import the split unit. Future Plans Prospects There is only one future plan and that is: They want to manufacture the split unit in own company. Suggestions Recommendations After the visit of the PEL Company and check the complete management functions we suggested to the PEL Company to do 1. More aggressive advertisement 2. To manufacture the split units in their own company

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Use Of Mechanical Ventilators Engineering Essay

The Use Of Mechanical Ventilators Engineering Essay The respiratory system, composed of different structures, is involved in ventilation and gas exchange. Its main function is to provide a surface for gaseous exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide [1]. Gas exchange is performed at the alveoli, specialised cells which are part of the lung parenchyma. It provides oxygen to the blood and removes the carbon dioxide produced in the body as a product of cellular metabolism; for the oxygen to reach the lungs there must be a series of tubular structures that communicate with the outside. The diagram below shows a block diagram of the anatomic structure for the respiratory system (Fig. 1). Figure Block diagram of the Respiratory System anatomic structure Air diffusion into these channels is conducted by the respiratory muscles (intercostals and diaphragm) which increase and decrease rhythmically the size of the thoracic cavity (inspiration and expiration). The pleural cavity contributes on this phenomenon when its negative pressure opposes the elastic recoil of the lung; this action gives place to a conductive portion of the system, whose function is to allow air penetration. In addition the respiratory portion composed bronchioles, alveolar ducts, alveolar sacs and alveoli; establishes homeostasis. Figure Muscles and Pressures involved during breathing The ventilation of the lungs can be measured by studying a gas volume and its variations in the lungs [2]. Boyles, Charles, Daltons and Henrys law of gasses are critical in the understanding of gas exchange, measurement of gas movement take an important part in mechanical ventilation. During breathing movements are cyclic, and volume in the thoracic cavity is changed by the muscles mention before. During inspiration the pressure within the thoracic cavity and lungs is decreased and the same time the volume is increased, allowing air flow in. On the other hand during expiration the elastic lungs and the thoracic wall recoils producing an increase of pressure but a decrease in volume; allow letting air flow out (Fig. 1). Figure Respiratory performance and volume relationships Figure 3 At the same time, inhalation and exhalation allow the mobilization of the volume of gas which can vary depending on the type of respiratory movement and lung elastic forces. Lung capacities are defined by the sum of different volumes. Figure 2 shows a graphic representation of the respiratory performance volume relationships. FCR (Functional Residual Capacity) represents the remaining air after a cycle. VT (Tidal Volume) is the flux of air in a normal inspiration and expiration. IRV (Inspiratory Reserve Volume) is the amount of air moved during a maximum and forced inspiration and results over the Tidal Volume. Similar to IVR, ERV (Expiratory Reserve Volume) is the amount of air mobilised during a maximum and force expiration resulting below the Tidal Volume. The vital capacity is the sum of IRV, VT, and ERV. VR (Residual Volume) as its name says, is the amount of air remained in lungs after a maximum exhalation. The IC (Inspiratory Capacity) is the flux of air after a quiet cycle. A nd finally the TLC (Total Lung Capacity) corresponds to the total volume of gas remaining in the lung after a maximal and forced inspiration. Volumes and lung capacities may be altered in different diseases; its measurement is a critical element for diagnosis, performed by pulmonary function tests. The respiratory parameters: compliance, lung elasticity, intrathoracic pressure, airway resistance, intra-alveolar pressure; help measure the strength in muscles when breathing. Airway resistance is determined by the Poiseuille Law (eq. 1): {1} Where ÃŽÂ · represents the viscosity of the fluid, l is the longitude in the airways, and r is the radio on the airways. Resistance has a great significance in pulmonary physiology; and it is analysed by the ratio of the pressure differential flow. The airway resistance can be increased significantly in the presence of disease such as Bronchitis, Asthma, and Emphysema among others. In addition a great amount of patients admitted to intensive care have need of some form of respiratory support; due primarily to hypoxaemia or ventilatory failure. Respiratory support ranges from oxygen therapy by face mask, through non-invasive techniques such as continuous positive airways pressure, to full ventilatory support with endotracheal intubation[3]. Figure Block Diagram of a basic mechanical ventilator A mechanical ventilator is an automatic machine, designed to provide all or part of the work the body must produce to move air (gas) from the inside to the outside and vice versa. Furthermore mechanical ventilators are designed to transmit energy applied in a predetermined manner to perform a specific task. Interface between machine and patient stable, energy source, control system (for timing and size of the breaths regulations) and monitoring (device performance and patients condition) are the general requirements for ventilators (Fig. 4). A further analysis as well as comparison of this equipment will be made along the paper, with the purpose of a better understanding of its designed and future developments. Current State of the Art Since the invention of artificial respiratory supply, mechanical ventilators have evolved in the past 40 years. There are five generations of mechanical ventilators where changes have been made in order to present a better apparatus. The first generation consisted of only one mode of ventilation, and the electronics used was primitive compared to the one used nowadays. The equipment was no safe since the control with the user was not precise and it did not count with any alarm system. The second generation provided basic alarms, containing electronic circuitry as well as an analogue control of fluid. A major evolution took place on the third generation; digital electronics, microprocessors, were employed for most of the functions. The fourth generation included modern displays such as CRT or LCD ensuring a better patient care. The generation currently used is the fifth generation which features a better onscreen display control. It is also made by advanced logarithms that permit graphic display, calculation of lungs mechanical properties, and system diagnostics. Principles of Operation Mechanical ventilation is all different types of procedures that provide artificial respiration employing machinery to meet the respiratory function of a person who cannot perform it by itself [4]. In addition Mechanical Ventilation (MV) is the product of interaction between a ventilator and a patient, and through this equipment parameters of volume, flow, pressure and time are controlled. Considered as a generator of positive pressure that supplies active phase of the respiratory cycle; there are basically four types of MV: controlled by pressure, time, volume and flow. Mechanical ventilation systems create an intermittent positive pressure where air or a gas mixture enriched in oxygen is insufflated in the patients airway. Pressure in the airway at the end of passive expiration and that at the same time goes beyond atmospheric pressure is known as positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) [5]. PEEP is extremely important in effects and mechanisms of the respiratory system. It plays major roles in gas exchange, lung mechanics, and hemodynamic effects. Some effects in lung mechanics it prevents the lung from collapsing, increases FRC among others.[5] In order to provide respiratory support, a MV such as the one in figure is used. Figure Flow and control of gas exchange during artificial ventilation Input of this system provides O2 as a medicinal gas; and in the case of portable ventilators the medicinal gas can be supplied by a dry air compressor. Ventilatory gas is passed through a pressure regulator; which is in charge of preserving the preset pressure for the inspiratory gas and ensures the integrity of the airway. The gas flown to the patient is allocated by an electro-valve (Fig. 5); this remains energised until the end of the inspiratory time previously programmed, when de-energised the gas flow is ceased. Finally the expiratory electro-valve is activated causing the air exhaled by the patient to be expelled to the environment by a biological filter that prevents the contamination of this. Models of Ventilator-Patient Interaction Figure Model representing breathing, were a rigid flow conducting tube is connected to an elastic compartment The Respiratory System can be modelled to illustrate the relations amongst the variables of interest; providing a better understanding of patient-equipment interaction. The model most frequently used is shown in figure where a rigid flow conducting tube is connected to an elastic compartment [6]. When airway pressure goes higher than the base line, the inspiration is assisted (Fig. 6)The Transrespiratory pressure (eq.2) leads inspiration, and is the pressure at the airway opening, ,minus the pressure at the body surface: {2} At the same time has two components, transairway pressure (eq. 3) and transthoracic pressure (eq. 4): {3} {4} A mathematical model that represents volume, pressure and flow during ventilation is known as the equation of motion for the respiratory system [6] (eq. 5) : {5} Where is the pressure generated by the ventilator, is the pressure generated by the ventilator muscles, is the respiratory system elastance, is the respiratory system resistance, and is lung volume where the derivate of volume with respect of time is the flow in the system. Table (1) compares typical values against values during mechanical ventilation [6]. Table Pressures and Volumes during Mechanical ventilation Typical Values Mechanical Ventilation The model provides the basis for monitoring the patients current condition, and it is done in terms of R and E which are mechanical properties. Figure Electrical model representing breathing composed of a RC circuit Another model used for representation is the electrical model (Fig. 7); this model is analogous to an electrical circuit consisting of a resistor and a capacitor (RC circuit), a power supply, which in this case represents the pressure generated by a mechanical ventilator. The electric current stands for the flow of air in the system. In this model, pressure, volume and flow are variables (functions of time) while the resistance and compliance are constant [4]. Second Law of Kirchooff can be used to analyse the electrical model and the following equation(eq. 6) can be derived: {6} Current and charge can be related by , the electrical parameters of the circuit can be now represented by the ventilator variables. When applying a pressure to the input of the system (output pressure of the ventilator), the volume varies according to the following differential equation (eq. 7) the total pressure applied is equal to the sum of the differences in pressure due to the compliance of the system and to the resistance of the airway: {7} According to this system is the output pressure of the ventilator, the inspiratory volume, and is the compliance of the lung [4]. Operating Modes Mechanical ventilators count with different operating modes, which are the manner the ventilator ensures that the patient is provided by the appropriate minute ventilation; satisfying the respiratory needs without damaging any pulmonary tissue. Operating modes can be identified by: breathing pattern, Control type, Control Strategy [6]. When specifying just the breath control variable (Primary Breath Control), there are three approaches: pressure control, volume control and dual control modes. Pressure control (PC) is used when patients can initiate respiration; pressure in the airway is increased during inspiration. Volume control (VC) employs a control system to guarantee that a set tidal volume is distributed during the inspiratory cycle. The Dual Control (DC) is simply a combination of both, used in order to provide minute ventilation while maximizing patient synchrony[6]. Breath sequence is the other component of breathing pattern operating mode. There are two ways airflow can be delivered using this mode, mandatory or spontaneous. The difference between the two of these is that on mandatory breath the ventilator initiates and establishes the tidal volume, Vt. Contrary to mandatory breath on spontaneous breath the patient establishes and starts its own breathing. From these, three different modes of breath sequence can be delivered: Continuous Mandatory Ventilation (CMV), Continuous Spontaneous Ventilation (CSV), and Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation (IMV). CVM and CSV, all breaths are mandatory or spontaneous respectively; however in IMV breaths can be either mandatory or spontaneous [6]. Controls In order to select breathing mode and ventilation pattern parameters, controls are used. There are two different ways on which breathing can be controlled, and at the same time there are control strategies which depend on the variables and parameters set to obtain this. A system can be controlled by an open loop or closed loop (Fig. 8). Like any open loop system, there is no feedback, and the system could be affected by mechanical changes in the lungs, patients ventilatory efforts and leaks [6]. Figure Control systems used for mechanical ventilation Closed loop sense breathing variables such as pressure, volume, and flow to provide a feedback signal which is compared to the desired value set at the input. There are different types of closed loop systems depending on the number of variables used. The instruments used to measure volume-flow rate are referred to as volume flowmeters; they may be classified as rotameters, penumotachographs, hot-wire anemometers, time-of-flight flowmeters, ultrasonic flowmeters, and vortex flowmeters [2]. Depending on their principle of operation, flowmeters can be classified in four main categories: rotating-vane, ultrasonic, thermal-convection, and differential pressure flowmeters. Rotating-vane Flowmeters These types of sensors contain a small motor or turbine which rotates with airflow, and then flow rate is related to the revolution of the rotor. This type of flowmeter is commonly used in ventilator machines and respiratory monitoring [2]. The spins are detected optically and converted into voltage to be recorded or displayed. Ultrasonic Flowmeters Ultrasonic flowmeters can measure instantaneous flow and the effect of the flowing gas on the transit time of the ultrasonic signal [7]. A crystal is used for transmitting and receiving and it is placed externally and obliquely to the axis of the tube through which the gas flows [7]. The time elapsed will depend not only on the velocity, but on the temperature as well as composition of the gas analysed. One main advantage of this type of transducer is that unidirectional flow can be measured, which is applicable for clinical monitoring. Thermal-Convection Flowmeters Thermal sensing technologies are usually made of hot wires, metal film, and thermistol which all use heat to sense gas flow. The wires are heated by an electric current and the heat transfer is used to measure the gas flow [2]. The wire is heated above flow gas temperature, to associate temperature differences; a metal mesh is placed at both ends of the tube. This type of sensing is limited to only one flow direction, more sensors can be located in the tube for multiple directions and for breathing a calibration factor must be considered. [7]. Differential Pressure Flowmeters Flowmeters that use the relationship of pressure drop with airflow through a system. There include elements such flow resistors. Common Failures Figure Closed system during mechanical ventilation The most common failures presented in MV are mainly as a consequence of poor maintenance and user error. Leaks in the circuit due to bad connections or due by perforations in tube are a frequent dysfunction. Leaks stop the proper delivery of tidal volume as well as an accurate sensing flow from the ventilator. PEEP can also be affected by this interfering with O2 saturation (Fig. 9). At times, when an patient with intubation is not able to trigger the ventilator, or the ventilator senses by mistake a patients effort and delivers breaths, is known as patient-ventilator dyssynchrony. As a result the machine delivers an unsuitable breath to the rate of the patients inspiratory efforts. This type of error is also identified as trigger failure or desynchronisation, mismatching, and fighting the ventilator [8]. One cause for patient-ventilator dyssynchrony is fixing the trigger sensitivity improperly. When a desynchronisation with the patients efforts to initiate a breath exists, work of breathing can occur which can be accompanied with respiratory distress preventing pulmonary gas exchange.. Another usual failure is due to user error with the interface. MVs are complex equipments, and the need of the clinician to be familiar with the machine is crucial. It is important that Mechanical Ventilators count with an audible and visual alarm when detecting a leakage or disconnection. Possible hazards to humans Problems may occur while using a mechanical ventilator, especially with patients that been required the use of a MV for a prolonged amount of time. The risks occasioned by the use of respiratory support can lead to severe harmful or even death. Common hazards that may occur due to the use of a ventilator are: infections, pneumothorax, and lung injury. Infections The most common risk reported is acquiring Ventilator-associated pneumonia, which is caused by an infection. The tube allows germ (bacteria) to penetrate more easily into the lungs. This can cause pneumonia. Pneumonia can be a serious problem and may mean that a person may not be able to initiate respiration leading to a longer use of a MV. In addition a recent study reported factors related such as the development of shock, and renal failure [9]. In order to prevent infections a number of control procedures can be performed, and these include maintaining the ventilator as well as the breathing circuit [8]. Pneumothorax Occasionally when a part of the lung is weak, this may become over full of air and as a result an air leak may occur. The leak allows air into the space between the lung and chest wall. The air in this region occupies space in a manner that the lung begins to collapse. If there is air leakage, a chest tube into is used to drain the excess air; allowing the lung to re-expand and stop the leak. Lung Injury The pressure generated by introducing air into the lungs with a ventilator can damage the lungs. Furthermore, very high levels of oxygen can also be harmful to the lung. As a solution to try to keep this risk to a minimum the lowest pressure necessary as well as the only oxygen needed is supplied. Prolonged intubation usually defined as a period longer than 48 hours [10] may lead to swallowing dysfunction. This is mainly caused by impairing glottic closure reflex, reducing subglottic pressure, limiting laryngeal elevation, desensitizing the larynx and hypopharynx, and causing disuse muscle atrophy of the larynx and pharynx [10]. Advantages and limitations of various techniques Once analysed the principles of operations and risks of Mechanical Ventilators, for a better understanding of these is necessary to mention the advantages and disadvantages that they could bring. The impact MV have had over the past 40 years is massive due to the fact that mechanical ventilators provide vital support. Nowadays ventilators found in the market present vast options in terms of modes, control and displays which in many cases can result complicated and the knowledge of these is required[8]. In addition features need to be evaluated in order to establish which configuration mode is suitable for each patient [8]. Ideally hospitals should acquire equipment that incorporates the latest development in ventilation; however as mention before this could lead to complications and misuse of the devices. Requesting companies training to all staff involved in the use, handling and care of the equipment helps to reduce the risk [11].The complicity of the equipment could be considered as a disadvantage of MV, nevertheless ventilators with good human factors design provide major advantage [8]. Mechanical ventilators, being devices that provide respiratory support the duration and need may vary from patient to patient; age is also an important factor as well as the condition. Ventilators are usually used in patients that are in Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and after remaining in intubation after 48 hours the risk to the patient increases. Weaning from mechanical ventilation (MV) permits patients to restart spontaneous breathing steadily; however some risks are involved [12] and are mentioned in section. Risks and hazards to patients should always be considered when dealing with medical devices; however the benefits that they bring play a major role. But still as an advantage mechanical ventilators as mentioned before, bring vital support where initiation of breathing or respiration cannot be performed by the patient. Critical Comparison Figure Piston pump in HFOV Differences between each mechanical ventilator is defined by their operation mode which establish the flow pattern, pressure and volume delivered to the patient with the purpose of controlling alveolar ventilation and as a result achieve the goals of mechanical ventilation. Ventilation modes are determined by the combination of breathing pattern, type of ventilation and control. As for this MV operation mode is going to vary according to the age, and state of the patient, in a way that ventilation is provided and the risk is minimal. Requirements As mentioned before, the continuous use of ventilators may induce injury to the lungs. Air strained outside the normal air spaces creates a swelling pressure that may injure alveoli. The name of this condition is Barotrauma, and malfunction to the mechanical ventilation may occur. High pressures or volumes during inspiration, or when extreme PEEP is used are causes of Barotrauma. There has not been found an association of clinical injury with the level of pressure used, the problem is estimated to be an over expedition of volume [13]. High frequency ventilation(HFV) is a ventilation strategy for patients with respiratory failure; providing a small source of tidal volumes (VT) which is in most of the cases less than the anatomic dead space volume, with respiratory rates above 150rpm. Modern Research studies have shown that HFV can help reduce barotraumas in normal and injured lungs [14]. Figure Flow during high frequency ventilation HFV can be classified according to the source that generates their frequency and the type of exhalation phase; there are four types: High Frequency Jet Ventilation (HFJV), High Frequency Oscillatory Ventilation (HFOV), High Frequency Flow Interruption (HFFI), and High Frequency Positive Pressure Ventilation. The most commonly is used is the HFOV where in a continuous positive air pressure circuit the frequencies are oscillated by a piston pump (Fig. 10). During inspiration, each high frequency pulse in the flow creates a profile shaped like a bullet (Fig. 11), with the central molecules moving on beyond the airway than those found in the periphery. Table (2) describes and compares main differences between common ventilation and high frequency ventilation. Table Comparison between HF ventilator and Conventional ventilator HFV Conventional Ventilator Frequency is measured in Hertz (Hz) Frequency is measure in rpm Uses Displacement Volume (Vd) Uses Tidal Volume (Vt) Volume per minute is measured: Volume per minute is measured: Medical Devices Available on the Market There is a wide range of medical ventilators currently available on the market, and they all offer variety of options ranging in modes, variables monitored and ways of control [8] . Specific requirements and recommendations can be separated according to the complexity based on their performance. Some of the most common brands available nowadays are listed in table (3), and they all offer ventilators that may vary according to specific needs. Table Brands currently available Brand Model ACOMA ART-100 ART-21EX BIO-MED DEVICES CV-3 CV-4 DRAEGER Carina Home Evita 2 dura Evita 4 Evita XL Oxylog 1000 Oxylog 2000 Oxylog 3000 Savina EVENT MEDICAL Inspiration Inspiration LS GE HEALTHCARE(DATEX-OHMEDA) Centiva/5 Engstrom Carestation HAMILTON GALILEO GOLD RAPHAEL COLOR IMPACT Unit-Vent 754 INTERMED INTER5 PLUS/ GMX INTER PLUS VAPS/ GMX KIMURA KV-3N MAQUET Servo-i(Adult:Infant) Servo-S ( Adult: Pediatric) NEWPORT E100M E150 Breeze E360 E500 Wave PULMONETIC SYSTEMS/VYASIS HEALTHCARE LTV 900 LTVO 950 LTV 1000 RESPIRONICS Esprit SAIME ELISEE SIARE Siaretron 1000 ICU Siaretron 1000 IPER Siaretron 3000 ICU TAEMA eXtreria Horus 4 NEFTIS icu TECME Neumovent Graph TYCO HEALTHCARE PURITAN BENNETT 740 760 840 VERSAMED iVent201 VYASYS HEALTHCARE AVEA Vela Vela + Vela Comprehensive Future Stage of Development Advanced features like recording and accurate and advanced predictions will come in a future state of development. In addition the ability to link multiple devices on one is now available, where the ventilator monitor can display lectures from other devices. Portable devices are starting to become more common, they are light and compact devices. Important upgrades have been made to portable devices, where advanced features are now presented. Current portable ventilators present various modes of ventilation and longer power supply. In order to avoid complexity, it is important when developing new features to consider the principal use of ventilators, which is respiratory supply. In addition for longer term care many features may not be used and costs can increase. Conclusions Mechanical ventilators are vital equipments that provide vital support to a patient. They provide artificial respiration to patients that cannot breathe on their own. Their principle of operation is based on mechanical exchange of gases, and their circuitry includes electro-valves for their control and flowmeters as transducers. MV can become very complex devices, training of clinicians using them is crucial in order to avoid risks to patients. Hazards to patients may occur when used for more than 48 hours, however new techniques like high frequency ventilation can reduce this. There is a wide range of devices present on the market and they all vary on their modes of operation. Portable devices are now popular and present important features. Mechanical ventilators are used every day in hospitals and represent a critical part on vital support.